Our Handwriting Reports Increase Traffic Each Day and Your Core Marketing Message Is 'Tattooed' On Your Customers' Minds. People Learn What They Really Want to Know About Themselves
Our CHAP® Report (Computer-assisted Handwriting Analysis swiss replica watches Program®) has evaluated and reported on the script of nearly 150,000 medical doctors and nurses, all with remarkable accuracy. One physician wrote: "By far the most intelligent thing to do at the entire conference."
Here is what Exhibitors and Attendees Say
"There's no way I can begin to tell you what a positive difference you made in our booth traffic at Exhibitor Show. The feedback we received from attendees was that it was the most 'intelligent' promotion in the hall." ~ Pat Freidlander, Exhibitor Magazine Group
"Brilliant, easy to work with, and the personality report that people get is so complete and accurate it makes customers laugh with surprise. We more than tripled our previous year's visits. Most important, people remembered our sales messages, which they actually wrote by hand." ~ Carla Caslin, Canon
"This has been a remarkably well accepted program to bring thousands of physicians to the Pfizer booth. . . These same physicians return to the booth to pick up the completed analysis and therefore reps get a second opportunity for product discussion. The remarks from the physicians regarding the accuracy of the reports are phenomenal." ~ Ed McMahon, Pfizer
"It's worth a ton to get a potential customer to write every word of your ‘core marketing message' in their own handwriting, and then proudly share their report that's printed on your company's letterhead. We were awed and very pleased with the exciting response." ~ Jack Clarke, Easton
"Your fabulous handwriting analysis program and the Apple Stylus are a marketing match made in heaven." ~ Fabio Lightner, Sanofi

OUR TEAM produces many CHAP® Reports at busy and successful shows in the U.S., Canada, England, France, Spain, Italy, Argentina and Brazil. We fit in a big booth or a small one and have won several awards for best booth draw in show.

WHEN A BOOTH draw attracts so many people to hand-write the praises of a product, the table-top space gets used up and people will take to writing wherever and however they can. The configuration in the booth shown below is about as small as the CHAP® graphologists ought to work in, but we’ve managed even smaller in England.

Signage Makes a Big Difference Explore the Science of Handwriting Analysis

WITH GOOD SIGNAGE and a motivated team of reps at the booth a lot of interest and enthusiasm can be expected. People ought to know 1) It's free; 2) It's about them; 3) It's accurate and intelligent. When those ideas get across, the booth with CHAP® in it is likely to be record-breaking busy for most of the first day, all of the second day, and busier than anybody else on the succeeding days, even up to the last day, when the CHAP® booth may still have traffic and other booths will be empty. GCG can suggest signage that reliably brings in business.

OUR CREW in Paris

GCG's PRESIDENT, master graphologist Sheila Kurtz, and Kerry Crawford, marketing manager, in a midsized booth (20 x 40) for a show with about 15,000 attendees and four graphologists.

OUR TEAM produces many CHAP® Reports at busy and successful shows in the U.S., Canada, England, France, Spain, Italy, Argentina and Brazil.

AT SAKS FIFTH AVENUE in Manhattan, the fascination with handwriting analysis is intense. The CHAP® Report boosts customer sales at the Shiseido kiosk.
BUSINESS PARTIES, sales meetings, wedding showers, wedding receptions, rehearsals, fund raisers, and store openings are marvelous places to use the CHAP® Reports. No better ice breaker is available. GCG knows how to fit handwriting analysis into almost any festive scene or gathering. After reading their reports, both sides of a wedding party will be seen together chatting and laughing at the results.

FOOD and WINE Magazine's party was a big-time winner. Many bold-face celebrity names thoroughly enjoyed and shared their CHAP® Reports. Guests joined in amazed and good-natured banter about the accuracy of the three-to-six page personality assessments. "You must have talked to my mother," insisted several guests.

The handwriting collection form is itself a terrific marketing device. It contains our client's core marketing message that potential customers will copy and remember.

Anyone Who Receives a CHAP® Report Is a Hot Lead.

Booth Reps LOVE CHAP®
The Record Breaker At a Primed meeting in Boston, the Pfizer booth registered as leads more than 50 percent of the attendees. Handwriting intrigues everyone so the super-energetic Pfizer "ambassadors" (retired top salespeople) decided to help GCG establish the record, and they did. Reps at booths typically get wholeheartedly behind the CHAP® Reports because the reports are smart, self-detailing, on target, and very easy to sell. As soon as the reps read their own reports, they are on board. The photograph above is of the GCG and Pfizer teams that pulled off the record.
Get in Touch With Us T. 786-999-2413 info@graphologyconsulting.com